Dishwashers to Avoid in 2024: Buyer’s Beware Guide

Shopping for a new dishwasher in 2024 can be trickier than you might think. You’re looking for a reliable appliance that’ll make life easier, not one that’ll bail on you when you’re knee-deep in dirty plates.

With technology constantly evolving, some dishwasher brands have lagged, potentially leading to regrets post-purchase. Our guide points out the weak links in the dishwasher market, steering you toward better choices for your kitchen.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify dishwasher brands with poorer track records to make an informed decision.
  • Recognize red flags in dishwasher features and customer feedback during your search.
  • Consider alternative reliable brands and extra purchasing tips to ensure long-term satisfaction.
Dishwashers to Avoid

Top Dishwasher Brands to Avoid in 2024

When you’re in the market for a new dishwasher, you want something that’s going to make your life easier, not give you headaches. Let’s take a look at a few brands that might not be your best choice this year.


  • Breakdowns & Leaks: Your Whirlpool dishwasher might give you more trouble than it’s worth. They’ve been known to break down and can be quite noisy.
  • Consumer Feedback: It earned a low 1.7 out of 5 stars on Consumer Reports, which is quite telling.
  • Buyer Be Wary: With a 24% complaint rate on Worst Brands, you might want to reconsider.
  • Alarming Example: Imagine you’re getting your kitchen cleaned up, and boom! There’s been a report of a Whirlpool dishwasher exploding mid-cycle.


  • Cleaning Glitches & Rust: Cleaning should be simple, but Samsung dishwashers can have performance hiccups, door latch problems, and even rust issues.
  • Ratings to Ponder: They received a 2.1 out of 5-star rating on Consumer Reports.
  • Consider This: With an 18% complaint rate, you may want to browse other options.
  • Recall to Note: A Samsung dishwasher recall was issued due to a fire hazard, so safety first!


  • Reliability Questions: You’re looking for a dishwasher that can, well, dish it out. LG might not be the most reliable, with some control panels acting up.
  • Mixed Reviews: On Consumer Reports, LG stands at 2.3 out of 5 stars.
  • Keep an Eye Out: They have a 15% complaint rate, so pay attention to real user experiences.
  • Insider Tip: Stainless steel might look nice, but some LG models with this feature inside have rusted, according to Wiser Eco.

Remember, while brands like Bosch tend to be reliable, not every brand holds up to the same standard. So do your research, read up, and choose a dishwasher that won’t leave you high and dry—or, alternatively, with a puddle in your kitchen!

Red Flags to Watch Out For When Shopping for a Dishwasher

When you’re in the market for a new dishwasher, you want to ensure you’re getting a reliable appliance that’ll do the job well without any unnecessary hassle. Let’s look at some warning signs that could save you from a bad buy.

  • Customer Reviews and Ratings: Start by checking customer feedback. Low ratings and frequent complaints can signal an issue. Places like Consumer Reports are perfect for getting the scoop on which models or brands fall short.
  • Model or Brand Issues: Sometimes, a specific model or brand might have a reputation for problems. It’s smart to do some digging on forums and consumer feedback sites to see if there are any red flags.

Warranty: The length of the warranty can tell you a lot about the manufacturer’s confidence in their appliance.

  • Aim for at least a 1-year warranty on parts and labor. This helps ensure that you’re covered if anything goes wrong early on.

Concerned about the dishwasher’s performance? Keep these points in mind:

  • Cleaning and Drying Performance: The main job of a dishwasher is cleaning and drying. If a model has limited cycles or features, it might not meet your needs.
  • Noise Levels: A quiet dishwasher is important, especially if you have an open floor plan. Look for decibel ratings under 50 dB.

Finally, think about long-term costs:

  • Energy Efficiency: To keep your bills down, choose a dishwasher that’s Energy Star certified.
  • Service and Repair: A dishwasher that’s expensive or difficult to repair can be a hassle. It’s worth looking into the average repair costs and service reputation for the dishwasher you’re considering.

Remember, you’re looking for a machine that’s a mix of great design, solid build quality, and dependable performance without breaking the bank. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be on your way to finding a dishwasher that’s as efficient and reliable as it is quiet and full-featured.

Alternative Dishwasher Brands Worth Considering

When you’re in the market for a new dishwasher, it’s essential to find a brand that hits the sweet spot between quality and performance. Bosch, Miele, and Thermador are three alternatives you might consider.


  • Pros: You’ll get excellent cleaning and quiet operation, plus they’re known for a solid reputation.
  • Stats: They sit at a 4.2 out of 5 stars on Consumer Reports, and users report a low rate of complaints.


  • Pros: This is a high-end brand that doesn’t skimp on cleaning or drying, and they’re built to endure.
  • Stats: Miele impresses with a 4.5-star rating on Consumer Reports, and folks often mention their appliances last a long time.


  • Pros: A luxury option for your kitchen, bringing innovative features and a sharp look, they’re quite the powerhouses when it comes to cleaning.
  • Stats: Scoring 4.0 out of 5 stars on Consumer Reports, Thermador is on the higher end of the price scale.

Listed below are other reliable brands you might encounter:

  • LG: Provides innovative and energy-efficient models.
  • Fisher & Paykel: Known for unique drawer dishwashers, great for small loads.
  • KitchenAid: Offers a range of models that perform well overall.
  • Whirlpool: Delivers dependable and reasonably-priced options.

As you look for the best fit for your kitchen, consider these points: the reliability of the brand, energy efficiency, and the dishwasher’s cleaning abilities. You want a machine that’s going to work hard, use less energy, and last for years. Quality is key, so choose wisely and your dishes (and you) will thank you!

Additional Tips for Choosing the Right Dishwasher

When you’re in class, you learn that it’s important to have all the right tools and information to succeed. Picking a dishwasher is a bit like that. You’ll want to measure your space first, because just like everyone in class has a spot, so does your dishwasher.

  • Measure Your Space: Check the height, width, and depth that you have available. Nothing’s worse than a dishwasher that sticks out like a sore thumb!

When we talk about budgets in math, it’s about planning. Apply that to buying your dishwasher too.

  • Consider Your Budget: Dishwashers can range from economical to luxury. Do you need the Frigidaire Gallery FGID2476SF or will a simpler model do?

Now think of your dishes like homework – some need a bit more scrubbing than others.

  • Cleaning Needs: Look for cycles that suit your dishes. Heavy for pots and pans, Normal for daily use, and Auto to adjust itself.
  • Features to Look For:
    • Adjustable Racks: For fitting in large pots or tall glasses.
    • Soil Sensor: It detects how dirty your dishes are, much like you’d gauge how much studying you need to do for a test.
    • Stainless Steel Tub: Durable just like a good backpack, and it helps dry dishes faster.
    • Steam: Perfect for loosening tough grime like that stubborn gum under the desk.

Remember, homework is not complete until it’s checked. Do the same before you commit to a dishwasher by reading reviews from trusted sources.

  • Read Reviews: Consumer Reports is like the member of your study group who’s done all the data pulling for you—use their buying guide.

Just like you need the right power tools for a science project, proper installation is key.

  • Proper Installation: Make sure it’s done right; improper installation can lead to floods, and no one likes a messy locker.

And, just as we prepare for a pop quiz, think ahead with warranties.

  • Extended Warranty: It might feel like extra homework, but it could help with predicted reliability, like studying in advance.

Lastly, just like we encourage saving paper in class, look for appliances with an ENERGY STAR rating to save on bills and help the environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s tackle some common queries you might have about dishwashers that tend to have reliability issues and are recommended to avoid based on recent feedback and studies.

What are the common issues that cause some dishwasher models to be less reliable?

Some dishwasher models are flagged as less reliable due to problems such as water leaks, inadequate cleaning performance, premature motor failure, or difficulties with the electronics and control panel. Frequent breakdowns of these components can lead to frustration and unexpected repair costs.

Which dishwasher models have frequent repair needs according to recent consumer feedback?

Recent consumer feedback highlights models from brands like Fisher & Paykel, Frigidaire, and Samsung as having frequent repair needs. Consumers have reported issues with these models that necessitate more repairs compared to others.

Are there any brands that professionals commonly suggest avoiding due to performance deficits?

Professionals often advise steering clear of certain brands with known performance deficits. The current advice suggests being cautious with dishwashers from brands such as Hotpoint and Amana, due to their track record in consumer reports.

What features tend to be problematic in dishwashers that are recommended to avoid?

Features that tend to be problematic in dishwashers often include complex electronic touch panels, which can be prone to malfunction, and advanced drainage systems that may clog or break down more easily than simpler designs.

From the latest consumer reports, which dishwashers are rated lower for reliability?

Incorporating the latest consumer reports, dishwashers from brands such as Kitchen-Aid and Whirlpool have lower ratings for reliability. Specific models can change, so it’s important to check the most current consumer feedback.

How do statistically higher repair rates influence the ranking of dishwasher models to avoid?

Statistically higher repair rates directly impact the ranking of dishwashers to avoid. Models with higher repair frequencies get flagged in consumer reports and are often listed in aggregations of dishwashers to steer clear of, impacting their overall ranking negatively.

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